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June 13, 2013


Our Cabernet Sauvignon Stamp of Australia

99 Bottles of Wine on the Wall, Patio?

The Collection: Our Taste of Melbourne

Bali & Thailand Ready!

G'day Mates From Our Chapter

I think our Aussie slang has now grown on us. Will we always carry our adventurous, Crocodile Dundee or Steve Irwin personas? 

YES, thank you Australia for giving us a sense of freedom, a sense of adventure and a sense of another culture.  Most importantly, thank you Australia for teaching us that this beautiful world is too special to take for granted.  

We have especially learned to be OURSELVES

It's never to late to take off your shoes, run through the sand and jump into the ocean. Like my mom (mum as the Aussie's say it) says, if you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance! So mum, I've danced in all sorts of countries, cities and regions!

We've learned so much from the Aussie's. We've learned how to RELAX. Relaxation is a term the Aussie's feel us Americans must become more familiar with!

Well, we will report  more exciting news from the airport bright and early tomorrow.

Oh ... before I say goodnight I forgot to explain the reasoning behind this blogs title "99 bottles of wine on the wall."  Well, we decided to live life & life like the Aussie's. So, we decided to enjoy a delicious wine/beer each day in our Melbourne home!  Enjoy the patio collection.  As they say, "all wines should be tasted, some should be sipped, while others should drink the whole bottle!"

Goodnight From Australia!

We Come From the Land Down Under,

Nicole & Anthony

Our Lives Are Just Beginning

1 comment:

  1. I can tell that you will be missing your home away from home tremendously. During these past months you have grown and learned so much! Hoping that this great experience will be of help to you in the future and that you will be able to apply in your every day life the lessons that you have learned.
    I miss you very much and cannot way to see you coming running to me and giving me a big hug just like when you were little. For me you will always be my precious little granddaughter.

