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June 25, 2013


Time To Explore The Town!

Thailand's Old Town Phuket

After we enjoyed a deliciously cooked breakfast, we made our way to Old Town Phuket in Thailand. Along our drive we were able to absorb the day-to-day activities of locals who were: selling fresh fruits & veggies along the streets, bartering a variety of items in the open markets, and speeding past us on their motor bikes. Despite the unfamiliarity of this foreign country, at that very moment we realized there was no where else in the world we would rather be. 

Thirty minutes later, we finally arrived in Old Town Phuket. The moment we stepped out of our "taski" (taxi) we were excited to discover the hidden secrets of this authentic little town. We began by walking up and down each street, turning left and right down each alley-way and entering each shop in site (and I mean every single one)! I am happy to share our newest item added to our collection from around the world, an authentic Thai pillow cover -this beautifully hand made cover reveals great cultural significance through its blue and white pattern.

Old Town Phuket was very different from any other town we have visited before. It's unique old buildings, abundance of thick black power lines and busy motor bike traffic reveled our unfamiliarity to this culture. You may have been able to distinguish the unique features of this town in the pictures above!

Living A New Culture,

Nicole & Anthony

1 comment:

  1. An interesting town.
    I love your newest collectible item.

    Much love,
